Data Islands Webinars

Details of Data Islands Product Demonstrations and Pre-Recorded Webinars Below


Handling government data

On this demonstration we show the process involved in downloading raw data in .csv format from a government site to deposit multiple datasets onto a data island, facilitating queries or cross referencing of data.



On this demonstration we show you how you can write an SQL query and access this via the REST API (using POSTMAN in the demo). You must register midway through the demo to see the final section.

On Demand

Data Sharing

In this video we introduce the Data Islands ETL and Data Sharing Platform and run through a quick demo to show you how to copy data to and from MS SQL and sqlite.

Confident you can handle it?

If you know SQL it will be a breeze to share your first data set (or just use a CSV file if you don’t have a SQL db handy).
import demo contacts

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