B2B Data Sharing
Sharing data between your suppliers, distributors and customers has always been difficult but these days its almost impossible or takes forever.
Typical solutions require expensive and complex API’s with network access open so data can be extracted. No one wants to leave that door open.
What you need is a system that allows you to quickly query a database, extract that dataset and expose as a snapshot of that data. This leaves your live system (database) unexposed and not overloaded.
With Data Islands once you can write an SQL query you can share the results of a query in seconds with a few lines. You define who has access and can easily manage this.
Its so simple to use we can show you in an image how it works.
1. A “region” (like a database) is created
2. We write a query to the local database
3. We push (export) the data to the Data islands Middleware cloud
4. We give access to the external customer
That’s it.